

トップページ > イベント > 第14回講演会





斉藤 典子
(公益財団法人 がん研究会がん研究所 がん生物部 部長)

座長:佐谷 秀行
(慶應義塾大学医学部 先端医科学研究所 遺伝子制御研究部門 教授)

斉藤 典子



大塚 基之
(東京大学大学院 医学系研究科 器官病態内科学講座 消化器内科学分野 講師)

座長:山下 継史(北里大学医学部 新世紀医療開発センター 先進外科腫瘍学 教授)

大塚 基之

 近年罹患数が増えており難治癌の代表でもある膵癌の予後改善のためには、早期発見を可能にする新規バイオマーカーの同定と発癌機構の解明に基づく癌化予防法の開発が喫緊の課題である。我々は最近、「反復配列RNA」と呼ばれる「一定の配列が反復して出てくるnon-coding RNA」が、正常の膵組織では全く発現していないのに対して膵癌では高発現していることから、その機能を解析し、反復配列RNAが惹起する新たな膵発癌のメカニズムを提唱した。また、その配列を持つRNAを血中から高感度に検出する方法(TRAP-digital PCR法)を考案して、膵癌のスクリーニングに応用するべく現在も検証を続けている。この反復配列を持つRNAは、ゲノムのヘテロクロマチン領域から発現してくるので、その発現機構には何らかのエピジェネティック機構の関与が想定されるが、現在のところ発現機構の詳細は不明である。本講演では、この不思議な反復配列RNAと膵癌をめぐる最近の研究の進捗について紹介をさせていただければ、と考えている。

The 14th symposium

Special Lecture1

“Epigenetic control of breast cancer by non-coding RNAs”
Noriko Saitoh, Chief, Division of Cancer Biology, The Cancer Institute of Japanese Foundation for Cancer Research

Noriko Saitoh

Approximately 70% of breast cancers are estrogen receptor (ER)-positive. These cancers respond to endocrine therapy, but they pose a problem because they frequently recur. The molecular mechanism of this cancer needs to be determined. We found that long non-coding RNAs (Eleanors) are expressed in the nucleus of human ER-positive recurrent breast cancer cells, that “clouds” of Eleanors (clusters of non-coding RNAs and liquid droplets) are formed in the nucleus, and that transcription of the ESR1 gene (which encodes an ER) is activated. Eleanors delineate a 0.7-Mb topologically associating domain (TAD) containing the ESR1 gene and they control the 3-dimensional structure of genomic DNA. Eleanors link that TAD and another TAD containing the FOXO3 gene, which is 42.9 Mb away from ESR1, to activate transcription in a coordinated manner, thus balancing cell growth (ESR1) and apoptosis (FOXO3). As a result of analyzing tissue in cancer foci and metastases from breast cancer patients, we also found that Eleanors are related late recurrence. Our findings have indicated that Eleanors might serve as a target for diagnosis and treatment.

Special Lecture2

“Elucidation of the mechanisms of pancreatic carcinogenesis by repetitive RNAs and their clinical use for cancer screening”
Motoyuki Otsuka, Lecturer, Department of Gastroenterology, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo

Motoyuki Otsuka

Pancreatic cancer is intractable at present, and its incidence has increased over the past few years. In order to improve the prognosis for pancreatic cancer, identification of novel biomarkers that allow early detection of the cancer and the development of the preventive methods against the malignant transformation of normal pancreatic cells are urgently required, based on the elucidation of the mechanisms of its carcinogenesis. It was reported that some non-coding RNAs that have repetitive sequences, known as “repetitive RNAs”, which are not expressed in normal pancreatic tissues, are highly expressed in pancreatic cancer tissues. Thus, we analyzed the biological functions of such repetitive RNAs during the pancreatic carcinogenesis and proposed a new molecular mechanism of pancreatic carcinogenesis. In addition, we developed a highly sensitive method (TRAP-digital PCR method) to detect such RNAs in patients’ sera and are validating its effectiveness in pancreatic cancer screening. Because those repetitive RNAs are expressed from the heterochromatin regions of the human genome in which RNAs are usually not transcribed in the normal state, some epigenetic mechanisms are probably involved in the abnormal expression of such repetitive RNAs. However, its precise mechanisms remain to be elucidated. In this lecture, our latest results about these mysterious repetitive RNAs in pancreatic cancer will be discussed.


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