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第10回講演会 チラシ
イタリア文化会館ビル 3階 コーチホール


曽我 朋義(慶應義塾大学先端生命科学研究所 教授)

座長:安藤 潔(東海大学医学部 血液・腫瘍内科 教授)

曽我 朋義



落谷 孝広(国立がん研究センター研究所 分子細胞治療研究分野 分野長)

座長:山下 継史(北里大学医学部 新世紀医療開発センター 先進外科腫瘍学 教授)

落谷 孝広

高い肝特異的機能、均質なロット、安定した薬物代謝機能を有したヒト肝細胞を大量かつ安価に提供することは大きな課題である。すでに様々なステム細胞由来の肝細胞の製造が工夫されているが、大型の実用化には至っていない。低分子化合物による幹細胞の機能維持に関する経験(川又、落谷ら Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 2010)をもとに、本研究では生体肝細胞から前駆細胞への誘導(パーシャルリプログラミング)を基礎にした,全く新しいヒト肝細胞の製造技術を提案する。すでに、この方法論によって作製したラット肝前駆細胞(rCLiP細胞)を慢性肝疾患マウスに移植し、ホスト肝臓の75-90%を置換することに成功したが(勝田、落谷ら、Cell Stem Cell,2017)、その後の研究で、ヒト肝細胞からの肝前駆細胞(hCLiPs)誘導および安定した増殖制御にも成功し、慢性肝疾患マウスの肝臓に移植した場合の置換率は90%を超えるなど、驚異的な再生能力を有する前駆細胞であることが明らかになった(勝田、落谷ら、未発表)。本講演では、hCLiPsの機能解析の現状と再生医療への展望を紹介するとともに、低分子化合物を用いたエピジェネティック療法の可能性についても言及する。


「フェニルブチレートの臨床経験 up date」
澤登 雅一(三番町ごきげんクリニック 院長)

座長:安藤 潔(東海大学医学部 血液・腫瘍内科 教授)

澤登 雅一

当研究会では、発足時よりHDAC inhibitorのひとつであるフェニルブチレートに関する研究に取り組んでいる。その一環として、三番町ごきげんクリニックでは、固形がんを中心に、フェニルブチレートによる治療を行っている。評価し得る70例(男性/女性=39/31,4~82歳, 平均60.3歳)のうち80%(56例)がstage4、61%(40例)が標準治療と併用であった。副作用は、前回報告時と同様、胸焼けが14.3%ともっとも多く、吐き気(8.6%)、胃のムカつき感(7.1%)、便秘(7.1%)など消化器症状が続き、皮疹が2.8%に見られた。すべてgrade1であった。最近経験した有効例を紹介する。

症例)64歳 女性 肺腺癌 多発骨転移 肝転移

The 10th symposium

Special Lecture1

“Cancer and Metabolism”
Tomoyoshi Soga, Institute for Advanced Biosciences, Keio University,
Advanced Research and Development Programs for Medical Innovation (AMED-CREST)

Tomoyoshi Soga

Cancer cells are known to shift their metabolism to glycolysis to generate adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which is well-recognized as the Warburg effect. Metabolic pathways specific for cancer, other than glycolysis, have been found in recent years, and drugs targeting such pathways are under aggressive development. However, the molecular mechanisms of cancer cells undergoing metabolic shifts have remained unknown.
We performed multi-omics analyses, including metabolome analysis, gene expression analysis, and mutation analysis of cancer-related genes, to compare normal with cancer tissues in 275 patients with colon cancer. The results revealed that the metabolism changes in the benign stage of tumors and that gene mutations do not affect the metabolism.
Detailed data analyses and cell biology tests demonstrated that MYC, an oncogene product, regulates at least 215 metabolic reactions through 160 metabolic control genes in colon cancer. Additionally, we found that MYC and the pyrimidine metabolic pathway regulated by MYC can be the promising targets in treating colon cancer.
In this lecture, we will discuss our findings on the metabolic control mechanism of colon cancer and would like to approach the nature of the Warburg effect that has been a mystery for the past 100 years.

Special Lecture2

“Chemically induced liver progenitors as a source for liver regeneration and drug metabolism”
Takahiro Ochiya, Chief, Division of Molecular and Cellular Medicine, National Cancer Center Research Institute, Tokyo Japan

Takahiro Ochiya

A challenge for advancing approaches to liver regeneration is loss of functional differentiation capacity when hepatocyte progenitors are maintained in culture. Recent lineage-tracing studies have shown that mature hepatocytes (MHs) convert to an immature state during chronic liver injury, and we investigated whether this conversion could be recapitulated in vitro and whether such converted cells could represent a source of expandable hepatocytes. We report that a cocktail of small molecules can convert rat and mouse MHs in vitro into proliferative bipotent cells, which we term chemically induced liver progenitors (CLiPs) (Katsuda et al., Cell Stem Cell, 2017). CLiPs can differentiate into both MHs and biliary epithelial cells that can form functional ductal structures. CLiPs in long-term culture did not lose their proliferative capacity or their hepatic differentiation ability, and rat CLiPs were shown to extensively repopulate chronically injured liver tissue. Our current progress on generation of human CLiPs and the therapeutic potency for liver diseases as well as potency of drug metabolism will be mentioned.

Case Introduction

“Update on Clinical Experience with Phenylbutyrate”
Masakazu Sawanobori (Director, Gokigen Clinic)

Masakazu Sawanobori

Since our study group was established, we have conducted research on phenylbutyrate, an histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitor. As part of the research, the Sanbancho Gokigen Clinic provides treatment with phenylbutyrate, mostly to patients with solid tumors. Among 70 assessable subjects (gender: male/female = 39/31; age: 4 to 82 years; mean age: 60.3 years), 80% (56 cases) had stage 4 disease, and 61% (40 cases) concurrently received the standard of care. As previously reported, adverse reactions included heartburn (14.3%), which was the mostly frequently reported, followed by gastrointestinal symptoms, including nausea (8.6%), stomach upset (7.1%) and constipation (7.1%), and skin rash (2.8%). All the adverse reactions were grade 1 in severity. The following patient was recently treated and showed a good response to phenylbutyrate.

Case) A 64-year-old woman with lung adenocarcinoma and multiple bone and liver metastases
The diagnosis was made in January 2014. The tumor was positive for epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) mutation (L858R). Clinical course) Oral treatment with Iressa 250 mg/day was started in March 2014. On April 11, 2014, phenylbutyrate was added to the therapy. The treatment with Iressa was successful, and all the lesions disappeared temporarily. The dose of phenylbutyrate was reduced to 1 g/day to maintain the condition of the patient. While she made favorable progress, radiotherapy had to be started in October 2016 for a relapse in the right hip joint. During the radiotherapy, the dose of phenylbutyrate was increased to 3 g. The bone lesion showed improvement, but in September 2017, metastasis was detected in the hip joint of the other side. Since then, the patient has been receiving Metastron.
It has been 4 years 1 month since the disease was first diagnosed, however, no disease relapse has been observed in the lung or liver throughout the observation period. The patient remains in good general condition, and has been engaged in daily living without any problems. While there is little doubt that Iressa is effective, we believe that concurrent use of phenylbutyrate may produce therapeutic synergy and prevent the development of resistance to Iressa.


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