

トップページ > イベント > 第3回講演会「エピジェネティクスから見た生命現象」



エピジェネティクスから見た生命現象 チラシ
ホテル ルポール麹町
・メディカルトリビューン 『MT Pro』 2011年11月15日掲載


井倉 毅(京都大学放射線生物研究センター 准教授)

座長: 美島健二(昭和大学歯学部 口腔病理学教室 教授)

井倉 毅



「遺伝子は記憶する ~ホルモン環境を考える~」
堀江 重郎(帝京大学医学部附属病院 泌尿器科 教授)

座長: 佐谷 秀行(慶應義塾大学大学院医学研究科 先端医科学研究所
遺伝子制御研究部門 教授)

堀江 重郎


澤登 雅一(エピジェネティック療法研究会 代表幹事)

澤登 雅一

シナジークリニックにおけるエピジェネティック療法(フェニルブチレート)症例を、代表幹事澤登が代理で紹介した。 症例は、肝細胞癌stage Ⅳの66歳男性。
肝臓内の再発に対して、TAE、ラジオ波治療を繰り返し施行したがコントロール不良となったため、主治医より全身化学療法をすすめられた。 化学療法以外の治療を希望し、温熱療法、リンパ球活性化療法を行ったが治療効果がみられず、高濃度ビタミンC点滴療法とオゾン療法、エピジェネティック療法(フェニルブチレート)を開始した。
高濃度ビタミンC点滴療法、オゾン療法開始後に腫瘍マーカーの低下(AFP 57990→40900)が見られた。高濃度ビタミンC点滴療法は治療頻度が通常のプロトコルよりもはるかに少なかったため、おもにオゾン療法の効果が考えられた。さらにフェニルブチレートの併用により、著明な腫瘍マーカーの低下(40900→4739)が見られ、オゾン療法との相乗効果を発揮した可能性が考えられた。


The 3rd symposium "Life phenomena viewed from the standpoint of epigenetics"

Special lecture 1

"Dynamic chromatin changes and epigenetic regulation in genomic damage"
Tsuyoshi Ikura (Associate Professor, Radiation Biology Center, Kyoto University)

Chairman: Kenji Mishima (Professor, Department of Oral Pathology and Diagnosis, Showa University School of Dentistry)

井倉 毅

DNA, the source of genetic information, is vulnerable to damage by radiation, various chemicals, etc., and the cells have mechanisms that can recognize the damage and repair the damaged DNA. Once DNA is damaged, the sites of damage are recognized first, and repair enzymes are induced. During the period from the recognition of DNA damage to the initiation of the repair responses, the cells stop proliferating to secure time for repair. This process is called DNA damage response, during which the DNA damage response signal is activated. Eukaryotic DNA and histone proteins form chromatin, and recent studies have revealed that this DNA damage response signal is epigenetically regulated by chemical modification of histones at the damaged sites. It is not difficult to imagine that failure of DNA repair mechanisms may lead to carcinogenesis, and why epigenetic regulatory mechanisms of the DNA damage response are becoming a new focus in disease research.

Special lecture 2

"Memory in the genome - to consider the hormone environment-"
Shigeo Horie (Professor, Department of Urology, Teikyo University Hospital)

Chairman: Hideyuki Saya (Professor, Division of Gene Regulation, Institute for Advanced Medical Research, Keio University Graduate School of Medicine)

堀江 重郎

Testosterone is involved in sexual awareness, sexual differentiation and the development of secondary sex characteristics in the male, and is also called the male hormone, however, it also has functions in the female. Testosterone acts widely on the muscle, bone, blood vessels (prevention of arteriosclerosis), hematopoiesis and sexual functions, and its effects on the cognitive functions has recently attracted attention. In particular, this hormone is related to new social challenges and awareness of one's own territory, and hormone secretion is increased by competition with others and self-realization. Testosterone production during the fetal period is important for sexual differentiation and the development of sexual awareness, and its level can be speculated from the ratio of the length of the index finger (2D) to that of the ring finger (4D) on the dominant hand. Namely, 2D:4D is an indirect marker of the fetal testosterone level. Its relationship to masculine/feminine personality and behavior can be seen when the research subjects are regarded as a group.

In addition, stress during pregnancy and mothers' behavior, such as mothers' care and abuse, exert epigenetic regulatory effects, affecting gene expressions in the grandchildren and their descendants. Environmental hormones also act over generations. Epigenetics is deeply involved in the homeostasis established by hormones.

Introduction of a patient who received epigenetic therapy
Masakazu Sawanobori (Chairman of Epigenetic Therapy Study Group)

澤登 雅一

A patient who received epigenetic therapy (phenylbutyrate) at the Synergy Clinic was introduced by the Chairman, Sawanobori, on behalf of the clinic. A 66-year-old man with stage IV hepatocellular carcinoma underwent repeated TAE and radiofrequency ablation for recurrences in the liver, however, his disease remained refractory and systemic chemotherapy was recommended by his primary physician. He wished to receive treatment other than chemotherapy and received hyperthermia and activated lymphocyte therapy, however, these modalities proved ineffective. Therefore, high-dose vitamin C infusion therapy, ozone therapy and epigenetic therapy (phenylbutyrate) were started.
After the start of the high-dose vitamin C infusion and ozone therapy, the serum levels of AFP, a tumor marker, decreased (AFP, 57990 → 40900). The cure rate with high-dose vitamin C infusion therapy is known to be much lower than that with normal protocols, therefore, the reduction of the serum tumor marker levels was considered to be mainly attributable to ozone therapy. Furthermore, concomitant use of phenylbutyrate markedly reduced the tumor marker level (40900 → 4739), suggesting a synergistic effect with ozone therapy.


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